A Note from Safer Chemicals Healthy Families Coalition
Bisphenol A in baby bottles, water bottles, and food cans. Formaldehyde in furniture. Phthalates in air fresheners, soft plastics, and fragrances.
Scientists once thought these chemicals stayed put in their products, but now we know they leach out of their containers and into our bodies. These common chemicals have not been tested for safety, yet they are found in products we use every day — under your kitchen sink, in your bathrooms and bedrooms.
We need Congress to act now, to make sure the products we reach for, sleep on, and eat from every day aren’t loaded with toxic chemicals. You can help Congress stay strong in the face of chemical industry pushback but only if you speak out.
Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families believes that effective and comprehensive reform of TSCA will not only protect public health; it will also help American companies by spurring innovation and job creation dedicated to making the next generation of safer chemicals and products.
This is our time to make toxic chemicals history! Let’s tell Congress to strengthen and reform the law so that the most dangerous chemicals are taken off the market and that chemicals are safe for use before being added to products.
Chemicals aren’t sitting still – and neither should you! Click HERE to send a message to your Members of Congress now!

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