Salazar Packaging, Inc. specializes in flexible packaging products as well as sustainable packaging and equipment solutions for industry. We believe this relatively narrow and dedicated focus has enabled us to attract the best vendors the packaging industry has to offer and quite frankly, utilize them to your benefit, better than any other company in the distribution industry.
I normally don't subscribe or at least don't really enjoy reading one's company blog, but this one is exceptional. I actually read the stuffs that they send out to my inbox. If you're into Earth Friendly stuffs, you should check out or even subscribe their blog: They also have links to many great websites/blogs.
I normally don't subscribe or at least don't really enjoy reading one's company blog, but this one is exceptional. I actually read the stuffs that they send out to my inbox. If you're into Earth Friendly stuffs, you should check out or even subscribe their blog: They also have links to many great websites/blogs.

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